Dog Yeast Infection Home Remedy: If your dog is repeatedly scratching or licking his ears or his skin smells like corn chips, he may have a yeast infection. This problem usually occurs near the ears or in skin folds and increases in heat and moisture. Visiting the vet is important if the infection is serious, but in mild cases you can try dog yeast infection home remedies. Today we will tell you some easy and natural ways that can provide relief to your dog.
Understanding Dog Yeast Infections
Yeast is a fungus (Malassezia) that normally lives on the skin of dogs. But sometimes it overgrows due to allergies, humidity, weak immunity, or unhealthy diet. Symptoms are something like this:
- Red spots on the skin or dizziness
- Smelly discharge (from ears or paws)
- Itching so much that the dog keeps itching throughout the day
- Blackish wax deposits in the ears
If the treatment is not done on time, the infection can spread further. Now let’s know the home remedy for dog yeast infection that is both pet-safe and effective.
5 Dog Yeast Infection Home Remedy
1. Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) – Natural Antifungal

ACV causes acidity which controls yeast. How to use it?
- For Ears: Mix 1 spoon ACV + 1 spoon distilled water. Dip a cotton ball and gently clean the ears. Note: Do not put the liquid directly in the ear.
- For Skin/Paws: Pour the ACV solution in a spray bottle and apply it on the infected areas. It also corrects the pH balance of the skin.
Note: Do not apply ACV on open wounds or cuts, as it can cause burns.
2. Coconut Oil – Works for both Itching and Infection

Coconut oil contains lauric acid which helps kill yeast. How does it work?
- Apply it directly on the skin (a little) – itching will reduce and the skin will also be moisturized.
- If there is an ear infection, apply a light coating with a cotton bud.
- Mix ½ tsp coconut oil in the dog’s food daily – it will boost immunity!
Pro Tip: Use only organic and cold-pressed oil.
3. Probiotics – Improves Pet Gut Health

When the dog’s gut is not healthy, yeast infections attack quickly. Probiotics strengthen both the digestion and immunity of the pet. What are the sources?
- Plain curd (sugar-free) – feed 1-2 spoons daily.
- Probiotic supplements (consult the vet).
- Fermented foods like kefir (dog-friendly version).
I tried this with my dog Max – started seeing improvement within 2 weeks.
4. Baking Soda Paste – Instant Itching Relief

Baking soda soaks up moisture and soothes itching.
Method of preparation:
- Mix 1 tbsp baking soda + some water to make a paste.
- Apply it on the infected skin for 10 minutes and then wash it off.
- Wash it with clean water.
The paste should not be applied for too long, otherwise the skin can become dry.
5. Neem and Turmeric – Ayurvedic Trick

Neem is antibacterial and turmeric reduces inflammation.
- Boil 1 cup neem leaves (or use neem powder).
- After it cools down, mix 1 tsp turmeric powder.
- Apply cotton on infected areas.
When Should you go to the Vet?
You can try home remedies for 5-7 days. If you see these signs, it is important to see a vet:
- The infection is spreading further (such as to the face or stomach).
- The dog has a fever or hives.
- Itching so much that it starts bleeding.
The vet may prescribe antifungal shampoos, creams, or oral medicines.
How to prevent yeast infection from occurring?
Maintain dryness: After bathing, wipe ears and paws thoroughly and dry them.
Diet check: Avoid wheat, rice, sugary treats. Eat high-protein food like chicken/fish.
Regular cleaning: Check the roz ears of dogs with floppy ears (like Labradors).
FAQs about Dog Yeast Infection Home Remedy
Can human yeast infection cream be applied to dogs?
Absolutely not! Human products contain chemicals that can be toxic to dogs. Always consult a vet.
How long will it take for home remedies to show results?
Mild cases usually improve within 3-5 days. If there is no improvement, consult a vet.
Do certain dog breeds get yeast infections more easily?
Yes! Breeds with skin folds or floppy ears, such as Bulldogs, Pugs, or Cocker Spaniels, are at a higher risk.
Can humans get a yeast infection?
Very rarely, but it is possible. Always wash your hands after coming into contact with an infection.
Is this caused by an allergy?
Yes, in 80% of cases, allergies weaken the skin and promote yeast growth.
Final Words: Dog yeast infections can be stubborn, but home remedies work with consistency. Make a routine – apply coconut oil daily, give probiotics, and keep the skin dry. And yes, don’t stress – your dog will get better soon!
- American Kennel Club (AKC) – “Yeast Infections in Dogs: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment”
[Link:] - PetMD – “Home Remedies for Dog Yeast Infections”
[Link:] - Veterinary Partner (VIN) – “Malassezia Dermatitis in Dogs”
[Link:] - Whole Dog Journal – “Probiotics for Dogs: Benefits and Uses”
[Link:] - Dr. Karen Becker, DVM – “Natural Remedies for Dog Skin Issues”
[Link:] - PubMed Central (PMC) – “Antifungal Properties of Coconut Oil”