Transform your practice for Cancer patients
If current trends continue, cancer cases will rise by a third by 2040. Be better prepared with the Allies in Cancer Care training programme.
Develop your skills and personal resilience with this fully funded online course delivered by University of Salford in collaboration with The Christie School of Oncology. Benefit from the experiences of Allied Health Professionals (AHPs) across Greater Manchester with exclusive access to a community of practice.
Don’t delay! You have until the 31st August to enrol on the course to take advantage of this funding.
Allies in Cancer Care course
This website will form a supportive community of practice for attendees, hosting a noticeboard to discuss, collaborate and share inspiring ideas.
None (Fully-funded)
Delivery method
Fully online/virtual
Entry requirement
Allied Health Professionals and Registered Nurses working and/or living in Greater Manchester
Length of module
Eight, 90-minute topics
Estimated hours of study
14 hours
On completion
CPD certificate
Course Details
The course is exclusively on demand, and consists of eight, 90 minute topics. Each topic is supported by resources, put together by experts, and is designed to signpost you to further information to help you and your patients.
All topics are available to you from now until September 2023, so you can watch them at a time that suits you, allowing flexibility in accessing and completing the course.
As part of your learning experience, you will also have access to:
- Regular community of practice live discussion sessions.
- A community of practice forum.
- Useful resources and wider reading.
To complete the course, you need to:
- Watch all eight topics.
- Complete a short assessment.
The assessment is short, and once completed you will receive your CPD certificate.
What does the course cover?
The course will cover the following topics:
- Understanding cancer and its treatments.
- Understanding the psychological impact of a cancer diagnosis including strategies for healthcare professionals to better support people with a cancer diagnosis.
- Developing personal resilience and communication skills.
- Supporting people with a cancer diagnosis to live well.
- Nutrition for living with and beyond cancer.
- Service improvement skills and how to work effectively with service user representatives.
- Understanding palliative and end of life care.
- Understanding and delivering personalised care interventions for cancer patients.
On completion of the course you will receive a CPD certificate which will evidence the knowledge you have gained.
How much does it cost?
The course is fully-funded by the European Social Fund and commissioned through Skills for Growth and Greater Manchester Combined Authority. This means that you will not incur any costs by attending this course. Through these funding bodies, Allied Health Professionals and Registered Nurses are being supported to develop the skills they need to reach their maximum potential and the shared vision, across Greater Manchester, of creating a workforce that meets the needs of its service users and delivers an enhanced patient experience.
To register your interest or to find out more, please fill out the form below and we’ll be in touch.